Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery/Earlobe Surgery

Concealed alterations to create a desirable and natural-looking earlobe appearance

Earlobe surgery works to alter the size and physical appearance of the ear lobes. Over time our earlobes can begin to stretch and change, leading to dissatisfaction with their aesthetic appearance. In addition, following piercings, stretching or splitting in the earlobes, patients may require a small reconstruction.

Earlobe repair surgery

As such an integral part of our face, earlobes can cause a significant deal of aesthetic concern. Earlobe surgery is a simple and quick procedure that allows patients to achieve their desired look quickly with minimal downtime.

There may be some scarring if the patient has undergone a reduction as your surgeon will need to remove the excess tissue in the area. However, this will be minimal and will be at the base of the earlobe, so not directly visible.

Close up of female ear

Earlobe surgery is a quick and effective procedure to alter and correct the size and shape of earlobes. There are many reasons why patients choose to have earlobe surgery: issues with piercings, previous stretching or splitting. Additionally, earlobes naturally begin to stretch over time. Usually, there is no medical reason for earlobe surgery, so it is seen as a cosmetic procedure.

Procedure Overview 

  • Cosmetic procedure to reshape and resize the earlobes to enhance appearance
  • Earlobes change and stretch over time as a result of a variety of factors, such as piercings or natural sagging/stretching
  • Earlobes are stitched into a new position, and any excess tissue is removed in order to achieve the desired aesthetic appearance
  • Some slight discomfort may be felt in the first week following surgery as the area begins to heal
  • Results are permanent
  • Typical procedure takes 1 hour to complete
  • Typical procedure costs £2,250
  • You will have an initial consultation with an expert specialist in this area

During an earlobe surgery procedure, dissolvable sutures are used to reshape the earlobes and stitch them into a new position. If the earlobes are reduced, excess tissue will be removed, and the ear will be sutured into its new shape.

For around a week following earlobe surgery, you may experience some discomfort in the area as the lobe begins to heal. At this time, activity should be kept light to allow optimal healing. Following the first two weeks, some bruising may be left, but no significant pain or discomfort should be felt. Sports and heavy physical activities should be avoided for four weeks post-surgery to ensure the area is completely healed.

During earlobe surgery, you will receive a local anaesthetic so no pain or discomfort will be felt. After surgery, some may be felt in and around the area as the wound begins to heal and your earlobe establishes its new shape. After around two weeks, no significant pain or discomfort should be felt.

A typical earlobe surgery takes 1 hour to complete.

Results from earlobe surgery are permanent. However, in some cases may lead to other surgeries, such as natural sagging over time or if the patient decides to put another piercing on.

The price for an earlobe surgery starts from approximately £2,250 which includes both consultant and facility fees. The total cost will be confirmed following the initial consultation.

Left ear of woman

"It took me 20 years to finally pluck up the courage to have my earlobes reduced and I am so grateful that I found Greg O’Toole to help me go through with the procedure. From the consultation to the stitch removal, he was laid back, non judgemental and most importantly he allowed me to let him know what I wanted and was then guided by that. It was a much more enjoyable experience than I ever thought it would be. If you’re thinking of having ear surgery then Gregg O’Toole is your guy. "

"It took me 20 years to finally pluck up the courage to have my earlobes reduced and I am so grateful that I found Gregg O’Ttoole to help me go through with the procedure. From the consultation to the stitch removal, he was laid back, non judgemental and most importantly he allowed me to let him know what I wanted and was then guided by that. It was a much more enjoyable experience than I ever thought it would be. If you’re thinking of having ear surgery then Gregg O’Toole is your guy."


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