Different types of lip surgery are used to change and alter the size and shape of the lips. The least invasive procedure is hyaluronic acid-based fillers. The fillers are injected into the lip, allowing your surgeon to reshape and add volume to the natural lips. However, the results from this procedure are not permanent and must be topped up after a few months.
A more permanent solution is autologous fat transfer. For this method, the patient’s fat is removed from their body and injected into the lips to permanently add volume and alter the shape. The fat is not dissolved and therefore acts as a more permanent method of altering the lips.
There are also options available to achieve a more defined cupid’s bow, using an incision along the upper vermillion border. The cupid’s bow can be defined using a lip lift. During this procedure, the space between the nose and the top of the lip is shortened, and the lip is lifted and sutured into a new position allowing you to achieve a more defined look to the cupid’s bow.
When the procedure is to reduce the size of the lips, tissue is removed from the inner lips using a small incision. Once the excess tissue is removed and the desired volume is achieved, the lip is closed using dissolvable sutures.