Psychology & Well-being/Mid to long-term counselling

Mid to long-term counselling to give you the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of yourself

Following the series of short-term counselling sessions (typically six sessions), we will have a review, at which point you might feel that you have got what you need from your personalised surgery-specific therapy, and our sessions will come to a natural end.  Or, you may become aware of other issues affecting your confidence, relationships or working life and might want to explore these in longer-term therapy together to move forward and be happier.

Areas you might like to focus on could be recent life changes or transitions, your family or relationship situation, the effects of divorce or relationship breakdown, parenting issues, elements of your upbringing or past and how they affect you today, your patterns of relating to others, general anxiety, feeling stuck in life, looking to the future and what gives your life meaning.

Shot of two women having a discussion in a home office

Our Resident Counsellor says:

‘’Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns. As your therapist, I will help you explore your feelings so you can develop a better understanding of yourself, your needs and your patterns of behaviour. Together we can evaluate these so that you can identify any changes that you might like to work towards within yourself. 

As a fully trained and certified therapist, I will not give you my opinions or advice or prescribe medication. I will work with you to build a relationship of trust where you have a safe space to find your own solutions – whether that’s making effective changes in your life or finding ways of coping with your problems.

 When you process your feelings about yourself by trusting another human being and having a conversation you have a place for those feelings to go, letting them out can lessen their power and impact on you so and give you greater clarity so that you can make the right decision about other areas of your life, including having surgery.’’

"I felt to embarrassed and ashamed to talk to my friends about this, they wouldn’t understand, plus I felt it was nobody’s business but my own. But I had nobody to talk to who I felt was on my side and who would listen to me. I’m not sure if I would have had the courage to have the labiaplasty if I had not had had the counselling sessions. I am now confident and can get on with life and do normal things – like getting changed and showering at the gym and being intimate without a feeling of dread. Thank you so much for being there for me through this"

"It had never occurred to me to have counselling despite feeling a bit low in general. When I found out the clinic offered counselling I decided to give it a try, alongside my regular treatments. I am so surprised at how much it is helping me in ways I never expected. I feel more in control of my life with better boundaries in place. My relationships are started to get better also"


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